I Sinned; Now What?

I Sinned; Now What?

Week 6 – I sinned; now what?

A key part of our Christian faith is understanding that we have rebelled against our Creator God, and there are consequences to our sinful actions. If we don’t know how to respond to our sinful reality, then we will miss out on the joys of Christ’s salvation.


What is Sin?


  • [Read] What is sin? Are all sins equal? (Short)

  • [Watch] The Bible Project: Sin (5:42)


  • [Read or Watch] The Essence and Root of All Sinning (1:04:19)


Why does sin deserve death?


  • [Read] Why would God punish someone for eternity for temporary sin? (Medium)

  • [Watch] How is an eternity in hell a fair punishment for sin? (5:48)


How can I be clean in God’s eyes?


  • [Rear or Watch] What is Justification? (4:05)


If Christ’s saved me, why do I still sin?

  • [Watch] Why God sanctifies us slowly (7:38)


  • [Read] Do Christians sin? [short]


How do I put sin to death?


  • [Read] Killing your sin (Medium)


  • [Watch] Look at the Book: Romans 8:12-13 (8:14)


  • [Read or Listen] How to kill sin (36:44)


What is hell?


  • [Read] What is Hell? (Medium)

  • [Watch] Is Hell real? (2:55)


How does addiction empower our sin?


  • [Read] The spiritual roots of addiction (Long)

  • [Watch] Spiritual and emotional roots and treatment of addiction (59:19)


Resources to help with pornography